September 19th, 2017
Talking with new recruit Callum Pye
Kay Crooke met Callum Pye, Trainee Financial Planning Consultant of Prosser Knowles Associates Limited to learn a bit more about him.
Why did you decide to change careers?
Having run my own business with 4 other partners in the Motorcycle Clothing Industry for 6 years, I decided it was time for a change as the business was well established and needed less involvement in operational and client management which is what I have done for the best part of 30 years.
What led you to financial services?
Family! I married Sally (Ken Prosser’s Daughter) in September. The career change conversation came about when I had initially decided to come out of my own business. Speaking to Ken over 12 months ago, it became clear to me that the skills needed in client management, customer care and investigating the options available for people, sat well with my historical experience. I then decided to take the exams and passed my FSRE Exam in January, DipFA Coursework in May and CeMAP Mortgage exams in June. The final DipFA exam was taken in July and I received my results in August confirming I had passed thankfully.”
Why did you decide to work at Prosser Knowles?
The link was quite seamless really, I had the opportunity to speak with Andrew Prosser, Nick Aston and Nick Broughton about the industry and the opportunity to join Prosser Knowles came about after a couple interviews. It was subject to passing the initial exams but it became clear to me that it was something I was genuinely interested in, so I was quite focused in getting the exams done.
Who has inspired you?
I’ve been fortunate to work with some quite inspirational people over the years who have continued to mentor and inspire me throughout my career, but I would have to say my parents. I unfortunately lost my Dad in 2012 and my Mom in 2013, both to Cancer. My Dad was a successful Steel Merchant who ran his own business with my Mum and they were a great partnership. They loved life to the full and managed to reach their 50th Wedding Anniversary in March 2012.
What’s the best advice you have been given?
Not to take myself so seriously and believe in myself. Like anybody, I’ve found that on occasions I’ve questioned my ability only to find that it was a waste of energy and nothing to worry about.
What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned?
I cannot control everything! I’m a bit of a project planner and even with the best plans, things can happen that are out of your control. Having the ability to be able to stop, think and adapt to change and be versatile enough to find a solution, is a key attribute.
What do you associate with success?
It would be the satisfaction in doing a good job and improving a situation. You’re not going to be successful without doing a good Job! If you can contribute to the improvement of something you’re a success in my book.
What do you still want to achieve?
Having run my own business from scratch I’ve experienced the highs and lows in how difficult it can be getting started, but this was always my ambition. The experience of this now allows me to try something different and be successful in a new role. I know this industry can be difficult at times and I know it can provide rewards for hard work and these are the things that drive me professionally. In line with the success question before, my ambition is to learn quickly and do a good job for Clients and Prosser Knowles.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Have a little patience! I was a bit like a bull in a china shop when I was younger. Always wanting things to happen too quickly and I was very impatient.
How do you relax?
I find that running is a great way of clearing the brain. I did the London Marathon in 2010, Birmingham Half Marathon in 2010 and 2016, however not quickly and I have no plans to do a full marathon ever again! I just enjoy the occasional short run now although I’ve already been challenged to join the guys at PK in the Pershore Plum 10k. It might be dark by the time I cross the line!
Both Sally and I enjoy socialising and we frequent the local pub and are fortunate to have a lot of good friends which we spend time with. I follow Rugby and Football and have the delight and pain of following West Bromwich Albion.
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