Qualifications: BSc Hons, DipFA, CeMAP, CeRER, CertPRO

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Jonathan Bissett, Gloucester

About Jonathan

Jonathan joined our team in 2015 and enjoys working with clients to help them achieve their goals. Jonathan covers all aspects of financial planning including investments and pensions.

Any firm or individual carrying out a regulated financial services activity must be authorised and registered by the FCA. Jonathan’s registration. All financial advisers and planners in the UK are also required to hold a Statement of Professional Standing (SPS). Jonathan’s SPS.

Spotlight questions

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Helping clients and understanding their unique circumstances.

How do you most like to spend your time outside of work?

Keeping fit – long-distance cycling or running. Spending time with friends and family.

Something guaranteed to make your day better…


The last TV series you recommended to someone…

“Breaking Bad” - it just gets better and better!

What makes you laugh?

Most things.

An achievement you’re really proud of…

Completing my first ultramarathon in February 2020.

Something people might be surprised to learn about you…

I have a first-class degree in marine engineering.

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